
撤军 and Allocation of Refunds for 复归第IV章


第四章基金 specifically refers to federal 金融援助 funds. 第四章基金 are awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. 当一个学生退学时, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of 第四章基金 that the 学生原本计划收到.  CFR 66.22(l)(4)

Courses that do not span the full length of a regular semester, such as: Fall Part A and Part B, Fall I and II, Spring Part A and Part B, Wintermester, Spring I and II, Summer I, II, III, and Maymester.

Direct Subsidized, Unsubsidized, and PLUS loans; Pell Grant, SEOG, TEACH Grant, Iraq 阿富汗服务补助金

Hope Lottery, Tennessee Promise, Tennessee Reconnect, TSAA Grant, and other TSAC programs


If faculty report a student as stopped attending (Grade of FA) or never attended (Grade of FN) all courses within a semester (or if the student receives all FA's, FN's, and W grades), the student is considered to have unofficially withdrawn from the university. Unofficial withdrawals may have significant financial consequences and impact a student’s 申请经济援助的资格.

Formally withdrawing from all courses or from the university. 官方取款 may have significant financial consequences and impact a student’s eligibility for 金融援助.

Due to multiple census dates within semesters, 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 recalculates Pell and Teach Grant awards twice per semester to ensure all term enrollments are 包括. The first calculation accounts for full 365bet, Part A, and 坎贝尔堡校区第一部分学期招生. 第二个计算说明 B部分和坎贝尔堡校园第二部分学期入学. 这些日期已经习惯了 determine how much Pell and Teach a student is eligible for. 如果学生没有注册 on the 重新计算日期, they are ineligible for Pell or Teach. 然而,如果 the student registers for subsequent modular courses during the same period, they 在下一次佩尔重新计算日期之后是否有资格.

The 复归第IV章 Policy does not dictate the 院校退款政策, Policy 1:01 . 21,它位于 阿卜苏政策 网页.


Students are awarded grants, loans, scholarships and other types of financial assistance 为了完成学位. 获得联邦,州,机构奖学金的学生 and other forms of financial assistance may be penalized for not completing the courses 他们注册的地方. 

When students enroll in courses and subsequently do not complete all or some of these courses, they may be financially liable for the tuition and fees and may be required 偿还所给予的援助. Attempting and not completing courses will impact a student's completion rate, which in turn may impact 申请经济援助的资格. 回顾我们的 满意的学业进步政策 欲知详情.


If students drop classes on or before the census date, or if faculty report FA or FN等级,援助可以调整. 这种调整可能会产生严重的财政影响 that results in the student owing money to the university.

If students receive federal 金融援助, they must complete at least 60% of the semester 或模块赚取100%的援助. 如果学生正式或非正式退学 before completing 60% of the semester or module, 365bet is required to perform a Return 第四章资金计算. This calculation determines if the university is required to return a portion or all of the federal aid to the government. 学生亦可 be responsible for repaying any applicable tuition and fees for the courses that were 已尝试但未完成. 通常情况下,第四章资金的回报将导致 欠大学的账单和余额. 

If a student who had borrowed loans officially or unofficially drops below half-time status, the 365bet Office of the Registrar will notify the Clearing House, which will 触发六个月的贷款还款宽限期. 学生也会收到 notification from 365bet to complete the required loan exit counseling.


A modular withdrawal occurs when a student registered in modules does not complete 整个注册期. 为了潜在地防止第四章账单的回归, a student may provide confirmation to the 学生资助办公室 of plans 参加未来的课程 退学通知书 form. Modular course withdrawals may result in a significant billing to the student.


A student that receives less Title IV aid than earned will be offered a disbursement 对于没有收到的应得的援助金额. 任何提款后的支出 必须满足延迟支付的要求条件.

When processing a return of Title IV calculation, include any grant funds that were 没有发放,但本可以作为本可以发放的援助”. Loan disbursements that have been originated, but not disbursed are 包括 as “本可以发放的援助,因为学生有一张签过名的主本票.

Post-withdrawal grant disbursements will be credited to a student’s account for outstanding allowable current semester charges or paid directly to the student if their balance 是零. The school is permitted to credit any Title IV grant funds to the student’s 未经学生允许不得使用帐户. 学校将公布任何学分申请 to current charges to the student’s account within 180 days of the school’s determination 那个学生退出了. If a student has no current allowable charges, the disbursement must be made no later than 45 days of the school’s determination that the student 收回了.

Post-withdrawal loan disbursements will be credited to a student’s account for outstanding allowable current semester charges or paid directly to the student or parent for a 直系家长PLUS贷款. 在支付任何款项之前,学生/家长必须 be notified in writing within 30 days of the school’s determination that the student 收回了. 信中必须注明资金的种类和数额. 如果贷款资金 are available, the school must explain that the student/parent has the option to accept/decline 贷款的全部或部分. The letter must also inform the student/parent that a response 必须在通知日期起计14天内收到. 如果学校没有收到 作为回应,不再支付款项. 如果及时收到回复 方式,资金必须在180天内支付. 例外情况可以在 discretion of the director for responses received after 14 days. 如果请求是 denied due to a late response, the school will send the student/parent notification.


有关详细信息和示例,请参阅我们的 撤军 & 第四章资金的返还.